Once again I had an a fantastic and fun Adelaide Supanova 2019. It was so great to let our geek flag fly for a weekend and Adelaide certainly turned out for it (even if it was just for Travolta on the Sunday).
A massive thank you to everyone who helped make it such an amazing weekend, to all those who helped out, and also in particular thanks to everyone who participated in this video. I had trouble making cuts so it’s ostensibly 2 videos on one here. I really wanted to make this a celebration of our passion as fans!
Featured are the many wonderful cosplays on the show floor, vendors and artists, international cosplay guest Meagan Marie, as well as the Supanova Cosplay Odyssey and the Cosplay Dash (I only took photos of the Saturday Cosplay Competition, which I also had the honour of helping judge). Photos are also available over on my Facebook album.
If you enjoyed this video then please consider supporting my work and contribute to my tip jar at: http://www.ko-fi.com/oldtrenchy